Thursday, December 24, 2009
God of Order
John 1:35-42
John did not decline his disciples from following another leader. In fact, he encouraged it by proclaiming Jesus as the “Lamb of God”. We will come to a point where, as leaders, we would want to hold on to the people following us. However, if it is they’re calling to leave us and pursue God’s will, then we should let them go.
I had a hard time figuring out how Matthew, Mark and Luke linked in with the gospel of John. Here they met Jesus in a different way. I had to search this up and the following is what I came up with:
The central truth of the passage we are about to study is, How the first of Christ’s disciples were brought into saving contact with Him. It may be that some of our readers have experienced a difficulty when studying these closing verses of John 1 as they have compared their contents with what is found in Mark 1:16-20: "Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. And straightway they forsook their nets, and followed him. And when he had gone a little farther thence, he saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were in the ship mending their nets. And straightway he called them: and they left their father Zebedee in the ship with the hired servants, and went after him" (cf. Matthew 4:18-22; Luke 5:1-11).
Many have wondered how to harmonize John 1:35-42 with Mark 1:16-20. But there is nothing to harmonize, because there is no contradiction between them. The truth is, that Mark and John are not writing on the same subject. Mark treats of something which happened at a later date than that of which John writes. John tells us of the conversion of these disciples, whereas Mark (as also Matthew and Luke) deals with their call to service—a service which concerned the lost sheep of the house of Israel. That John omits the call to service (which each of the other three evangelists record) brings out, again, the special character of his Gospel, for he treats not of dispensational but of spiritual relationships, and therefore was it reserved for him to describe the conversion of these first disciples of Christ.
It is deeply interesting and instructive to mark attentively the manner in which these first disciples found the Savior. They did not all come to Him in the same way, for God does not confine Himself to any particular method—He is sovereign in this, as in everything. It had been well if this had been kept in mind, for then had many a doubt been dispelled and many an heartache removed. How many there are who have listened to the testimony of some striking conversion, and have reproached themselves and made themselves miserable because their experience was a different one. How many churches there are which have their annual two weeks "protracted" meetings, and then conduct themselves as though there were no other souls that needed salvation during the remaining fifty weeks of the year! How many there are who imagine no sinner can be saved except at a "mourner’s bench!" But all of these are so many ways of limiting God, that is, holding limited conceptions of God.
Of the four cases of conversion described in our passage (we say four, for the two mentioned in verse 35 are linked together) no two were alike! The first two heard a preacher proclaiming Christ as "the lamb of God," and, in consequence, promptly sought out the Savior for themselves. Simon Peter, the next one, was "brought" to Christ by his brother, who had followed and found the Savior on the previous day. Philip, the third one, seemed to have no believer to help him, perhaps no fellow creature who cared for his soul; and of him we read, "Jesus would go forth into Galilee, and findeth Philip, and saith unto him, Follow me" (John 1:43). While the last, Nathanael, was sought out by his now converted brother Philip, and was warmly invited to come and see Christ for himself; and while making for Him, the Savior, apparently, advanced toward and met the seeking one. Putting the four together we may observe that the first found Christ as the result of a preacher’s message. The second and fourth found Christ as the result of the personal work of a believer. In the case of the third there was no human instrument employed by God. The fact that the first came to Christ as the result of the ministry of John the Baptist, seems to show that God puts the preaching of the Word as of first importance in the saving of sinners. The fact that God honored the personal efforts of two of these early converts, shows He is pleased to give a prominent place to personal work in His means of saving souls. The fact that Philip was saved apart from all human instrumentality, should teach us that God has not reached the end of His resources even though preachers should prove unfaithful to their calling, and even though individual believers are too apathetic to go forth bidding sinners to come to Christ.
It is also to be noted that not only did these first converts find the Savior in a variety of ways, but also that Christ Himself dealt differently with each one. For the two mentioned in verse 35 there was a searching question to test their motives in following Christ—"What seek ye?" For Simon Peter there was a striking declaration to convince him that Christ knew all about him, followed by a gracious promise to reassure his heart. For Philip there was nothing but a peremptory command—"Follow me. While for Nathanael there was a gracious word to disarm him of all prejudice and to assure his heart that the Savior stood ready to receive him. Thus did the Great Physician deal with each man according to his individual peculiarities and needs.
Finally, observe how this passage brings out the suitability of Christ for all kinds of men. It is blessed to behold here, how the Savior drew to Himself men of such widely different types and temperaments. There are some superficial sceptics who sneeringly declare that Christianity only attracts those or a particular type—the effeminate, the emotional, and the intellectually feeble. But such an objection is easily refuted by the facts of common observation. Christ has been worshipped and served by men and women of every variety of temperament and calling. Those who have delighted to own His name as The Name "which is above every name" have been drawn from every walk of life, as well as from every nation and tribe under the sun. Kings and queens, statesmen and soldiers, scientists and philosophers, poets and musicians, lawyers and physicians, farmers and fishermen have been among the number who have cried, "Worthy is the lamb." And in the cases of these early converts we find this principle strikingly illustrated.
The unnamed disciple of verse 35 is, by common consent, regarded as John, the writer of this fourth Gospel. John was the disciple who leaned on the Master’s bosom, devoted and affectionate. He was "the disciple whom Jesus loved:" he was, apparently, the only one of the twelve who stood by the Cross as the Savior was dying. Andrew seems to have been a man with a calculating mind, what would be termed today, of a practical turn: no sooner had he come to Christ, than he goes at once and finds his brother Simon, tells him the good news that they had found the Messiah, and brought him to Jesus; and, he was the one to observe the lad with the five barley loaves and two small fishes, when the hungry multitude was to be fed (John 6:8, 9). Simon Peter was hot-headed, impulsive, full of zeal. Philip was sceptical and materialistic: he was the one to whom our Lord put the test question, "Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat?" to which Philip replied, "Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little" (John 6:5, 7); and again, Philip was the one who said to Christ, "Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us" (John 14:8). Nathanael, of whom least is known, was, evidently of a meditative and retiring disposition, whose life was lived in the back-ground, but of an open and frank nature, one "in who was no guile." How radically different, then, were these men in type and temperament, yet each of them found in Christ that which met his need and satisfied his heart! We regard these first converts as representative and illustrative cases, so that it behooves us to study each separately and in detail
(Taken from
This is only part of the passage. The rest of them are in the link and I find them very good as well.
Here’s what I found out after reading this, that Simon aka Peter did not come to know about Christ the day he was fishing. His brother Andrew had already told Simon about Jesus. Simon had already met Jesus and this is the first time Jesus had already called him Peter (“A Stone”). And later, when he was fishing with his brother, Andrew, he got his confirmation through the miracle that Jesus showed them.
So basically, they did not follow Jesus blindly. They already knew him and it was in their hearts to follow Jesus. Simon just needed the confirmation.
When I found this out, I realized that I have been taking the bible without looking at context and logic. It all works out right as I read again. As we know, nobody would have blindly left everything to follow a stranger. They knew Jesus as a lamb of God! They knew that if they followed Him, they would experience being with God themselves. They might have even told their father that they might follow Jesus and be His disciples. That is why the father allowed them to leave on a second’s notice.
One thing I learnt about God is that He is a God of order. Everything was created in His order. He did not create the birds, fish and animals on the same day. He chose to separate those days. He could have put the shark, eagle and tiger one day and the next day create the giraffe, dolphin and swallow. But He did not, and that is what makes our God unique.
Therefore, if I experience somebody suddenly rising up in the middle of the sermon, come up the stage and dance and sing in an out-of-tune voice, I would immediately know that that is not from God. God respects order. He does not cause gravity to be suddenly lost, nor does He cause the earth to suddenly go round the moon instead.
The Lord has equipped us with minds so vast that even though we cannot comprehend Him, we can still comprehend most of His works so that we can understand even a twinge of Himself. When we see hearts drawn closer to Him, we know that He is moving
His mighty hand. When we hear of revivals, we know that He is moving.
Knowing this, we can be secure that God will not go against His word, nor will make anybody do what they do not want to do. He is a loving God, and we trust in Him to maintain the order in our lives.
Hearing from God!
John 1:29-34
Ok so how the… did John know that Jesus was the Christ without yet being revealed? The only conclusion I can come up with is that the Holy Spirit revealed this to him. Then it is true that the Holy Spirit does speak to an individual in a very personal way. How did the Holy Spirit reveal Jesus Christ to him? Through a vision. John saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and He remained upon Him. This also confirms with us that the Holy Spirit is a person when John personified the Holy Spirit as a “He”.
So the Holy Spirit does two things here to reveal Jesus to John. The Holy Spirit first spoke to John before Jesus came and told him of what he was about to witness. Then when Jesus came, the Word was confirmed through the vision that came true. And John testified of Jesus the Christ the Son of God. He obeyed the Word which was given to him.
Sometimes we see pastors prophesying over others. Some of us think, “wow, I want that,” while others will think, “Can he really do that?” Either way, it is definitely a miracle for God to reveal to us something in someone else’s life. God is good and He uses individuals to reveal His secrets to others so that people may know that He is real and true to His Word. But rather than being the one receiving, it would be so much better to be the one prophesying.
If John could hear from God in such a way, then why not us? God speaking to us, is such a small task compared to dying on the cross for us. Then it is definitely possible, that with a little passion and hunger and faith, God can speak to us in that tangible manner that He spoke to John. With this in mind, it gives me the confirmation that God wants to speak to us, and all I have to do is ask and be sensitive and be still to catch the opportunity to hear from Him. I have heard testimonies that tell me that God is always speaking to us, but it is our choice to tune our spiritual ears to hear Him.
There are no guidelines to how, except spending time with God. John spent plenty of time in the wilderness. Jesus spent so much time with God that He was tempted in a rough way by the devil. David spent time with God. Moses spent time with God. Joshua, the person in the bible who brought the Israelites into the promise land, would just linger in the presence of God.
All the heroes in the bible who heard from God all spent time with the Lord and were hungry for Him. Then one day God started speaking to each and every individual. Then the breakthroughs start to happen. I believe that I can hear from God. And I’m going to try.
Daddy Jesus
John 1:10-13
“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.”
We have that privilege. To become children of God and have the right to all that God has for us. And the most valuable thing God can give us is Himself. He is our heavenly Father who loves us and cares for us so much that He wants us to draw close to Him, as close as a child to a Dad. Nobody could love us more.
What are the benefits of being a child of God?
• We get to ask of Him anything.
o Of course whether He wants to answer us or not, we would have to ask of His will. However, I would believe that every single item that we ask for, He would hear. Like a child asking Dad for a toy, Dad might think about it, simply because it pleases his child. The bible says, do not be anxious about anything, but in everything let your requests be made known to God.
o Then you ask the question, “What are the right things to ask God for?” Even a kid would know what to ask Dad for and what not to ask Dad for. Dad’s will is to please you, so he would give you the things that are pleasing to you. However, Dad’s will is also to keep you from harm and danger, so the thing’s that are going to put you in harms way, he would not give you. It’s simple logic.
• We get to go straight to the throne of grace and talk to Him directly.
o Christians sometimes think prayer is a duty or a must if you are a Christian. What they don’t get is that praying is actually a privilege that we now have that the Old Testament Christians would die for. A child does not have to talk to Dad if he/she doesn’t want to. But if you love Dad, you would definitely want to spend time with him, right?
o Sometimes we don’t get prayer at all. If we just realize that God is desperate for us to talk to Him, just like a Dad would be desperate for a child to talk to him, wouldn’t it be so much easier for us to pray.
o So when can we pray? Of course, the obvious answer is anywhere, anytime. While doing stuff, while watching the TV, at the table, we talk to Dad about everything and anything, except maybe when we are with our friends, then Dad gets shifted aside. We can say that, “Oh, I don’t need to allocate a specific time to talk to Him, He is omnipotent (everywhere) so I can talk to Him anytime. “
o Just like any relationship, it can only grow when quality time is spent with each other. Getting to know God is more than simple walking through life hoping that God is with us and praying only when we need stuff. Sometimes we treat our Dads that way, but what we don’t realize is that we are getting farther and farther away in the relationship. Spend time with God, in prayer and in Word, and you will notice a significant difference throughout the day.
• We get to possess anything that He has promised us.
o Healing, prophesy, the Holy Spirit, faith, inheritance, success, prospering; and about anything that has been said in the bible. The bible even teaches us how to activate the kingdom of God here on earth. So basically, God has given us His secrets to a successful life with Him.
o Just like a child to a Dad, we seldom listen to Dad’s advice on the unseen things like how to treat your friends, or how to plan your time well, or that you should not date till you’re ready to commit. Well, God’s word gives us so much more than that and it is our choice as children of God whether we want to activate His blessings by following His commands.
These are only a few benefits of being child of God. As I always say, I like to view God as my heavenly Dad. Seeing things from this perspective, I began to learn that I want to spend time with Him and that whatever He brings to me, I know that that is the best for me. I also know that no harm would befall me because as a child trusts in Dad, so we, as children of God, can trust in Him. Knowing this, my worries are down by half. No one cares more than God. So spend time with Him not because we have to but because we have the privilege to.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Disappointed with Life?
Luke 22:54-71
Today, I am angry, because of all the disappointments that I find myself getting into. You’d think that people are the only ones that can disappoint. No, I’ve experienced God disappointing me over and over again. Why Lord?
If you think doing good would score you plenty of rewards in return, prepare to be disappointed. David did the best good he could. Still Saul chased him out of the kingdom and sought to kill him. How disappointed do you think David was? How much disappointment did David have to go through? Still he kept close to God, writing the psalms and reassuring himself that God was still on his side.
Jonah was disappointed as well. After he had spoken the Word of the Lord to the Ninevites, they turned to God and God relented from doing destruction. Jonah got disappointed with God for that. Sometimes, you may think Jonah wasn’t thinking clearly, but how often than not do we get disappointed because God decided to bless our non-believing friends and not us. I mean, we did so much good, and still our friends are prospering so much more than us!
What do you think Jesus felt when He was arrested and led to be crucified? Peter denied Him three times! How disappointed do you think Jesus was? Still He knew that it was God’s will. Then we get the people treating Him badly, after all the good things He has done, why don’t any of them look at that?
It is as if they had blinded their own eyes to only see fault in Jesus. Sometimes, that is what people around us do. And we get disappointed. Because of all the good we have done, they remember none.
Jesus told them that He is the Son of God. No one there believed.
Imagine you telling people that you can lead people, and no one believed. Imagine you telling people that you can help them, and no one believed. Imagine people looking down on you and calling you a liar because you told them the truth.
I believe you can surely relate with me now. But by showing you all these disappointments, I don’t intend to belittle anyone of anything. On the contrary, to know that most heroes of the bible including Jesus had to go through massive disappointment shows that it is part and parcel of this life we’re living.
Is it fair that the early Christians were persecuted for sharing the truth? No it is not.
But I tell you something true and encouraging that I heard not so long ago. “Life may not be fair, but it is always just”. God doesn’t pass fairness, He passes judgment. In the end, we all get what we deserve. If it is God’s will that we get disappointed, who are we to question Him? His ways are above ours, His thoughts are higher, His mercies are new and His love is never failing. He is faithful and just to those who cry out to Him.
Jesus took on all that disappointment so that He could save us! In the end, His name is now lifted higher than any other name, and seated at the right hand of the Father, He stands interceding for us. What difference can we make in light of all the disappointments life has to throw at us? Are we going to sit and sulk or are we going to take all the disappointments, bring it to the Lord, and churn a passion to see righteousness prevail even further, to make a difference even if it means that we lose our lives in the process!
Trusting in God does not mean we get to skip life’s toughest days. In fact, we get more of those. Trusting in God means we get to overcome life’s toughest days with God by our side! If God is with us, who then can be against us.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Passion for the House
Luke 19:45-48
Jesus came into the temple, and His anger got the best of Him. He over turned the tables and drove out all who were selling there. This would be my picture of passion. Jesus had a passion for the temple of God. So much so that the chief priests, the scribes, who were the leaders of the temple and also other leaders sought to destroy Him. This overwhelming passion for the house of God was not seen very commonly in the temple during those days.
What is passion for the house of God? To have passion for the house of God is to have a certain ownership over the house of God. It is your Father’s house and you ought to take good care of it along with all the leaders of the church. The church does not belong to the pastor but to you as a child of God.
If all the members of the church would have a passion for God’s house, the church would grow in leaps and bounds. The walkways would be clean, the toilets always clean, the sound systems maintained, rubbish is always cleaned. People would be welcomed, joy would be in the house, love would flourish among the people and needs would be met.
Tithes and offerings are so important to maintain the house of God. But above that, we have a building fund where money is allocated to build the house of God into a bigger and more conducive environment. To have the passion of God is to be able to sacrifice in terms of cash, time and commitment toward the house of God. We would appreciate the building fund as an opportunity to give rather than just another time to give.
Why is all the technical so important? Why is having everything just perfect so important in the house of God? Why did Jesus not allow the people to buy and sell in the house of God? Other than the house of God being a holy sanctuary, there is a more important reason why the house of God needs to be just right. It is because lives are involved here. The house of God is the determining factor whether an unbeliever or a new believer would come to know the Lord in all His glory in the church.
If the walkways were not swept or the toilets are not cleaned right, even if the ushers are not welcoming, distractions are there and if the unbeliever is distracted by these minute details, we may have failed to have that unbeliever focus on God and a life and soul may be lost.
One pressing problem that I see most common in church is when people walk in and out of church as they want to. I have a passion for the house of God and when I see this happening, I get frustrated. Here someone’s life may be on the line and when you walk out of the church and they see you, they get distracted form the Word. They start to think, “I wonder where they are going?” or even worst, “If they can do that then so can I.” Worst still if this happens during an altar call.
I can’t mention enough the importance of excellence in the house of God. Every single detail counts because God is dealing with lives in this holy place. Every small rubbish I see on the floor, I pick up. Every single chair I see shifted, I move it back into place. Everything I hear or see distracting, I tell my pastor or even better if I can solve it myself. If the rubbish is not taken out, I take it out. I don’t need to be a leader to do this. I know the weight of what I am doing in keeping the house of God excellent even if it means that one life will come to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Faith for the Supernatural
Luke 19:28-40
These days, we hear of so many supernatural things happening. Paranormal activities are seen time and again and we are baffled. However, even the scientists, historians and professors could not deny that the most famous supernaturalist was Jesus Christ. Back then, the people were well amazed because people thought that it was impossible for miracles to happen in an instant.
I have no idea why I’m making a big fuss about some prediction of Jesus of a donkey in town. But this is the only time I think that Jesus did not do something flashy but simply said something and it was there. Did Jesus know ahead of time that someone had put a donkey there? I doubt so. How much faith did it take to believe that when He asked His disciples to go find the donkey that the donkey would actually be there? Or maybe God the Father had told Him.
But then I think about the various miracles that Jesus did and think, “Wow, He did have faith.” Every time Jesus did a miracle, it was without a doubt. Jesus always said things like, “Get up and walk,” or “Be healed,” or “Your faith has restored you.” Now what do we usually say? The lamest of the lot would be, “God if it is your will, let him be healed but if it is not your will, let him stay sick.” What kind of prayer is that? Well pastors would pray, “In Jesus name, be healed,” or “by the stripes of Jesus, be healed.” How do we release healing? How do we grow in faith? How come we have faith in some things and not in others? Take me for example, I have faith that every time I worship or I sing with the right motives, God’s presence will come. But I have little faith to heal someone or prophesy over someone or even preach the gospel to someone.
Maybe if we look at how we gained faith in the faith-filled areas of our lives, we might be able to find out how to gain faith in other areas of our lives. So how do I bring God’s presence?
• I remember practicing countless hours to be confident in my guitar playing.
• I remember spending time with God every morning and simply long to draw closer to Him.
• I remember having the passion to actually bring God’s presence into my CG whenever I lead praise and worship.
• I remember disappointments and asking God, “why didn’t he turn up when I asked Him to.”
• I remember learning that when I worship, it is not about how I feel but about God moving and that my duty was simply to worship and to lead the worship.
• I remember thinking that it is not about me feeling something but it is about God wanting to move or not, that I am simply the vessel for Him to work with.
• I remember not feeling God’s presence in the middle of worship, checking myself, figuring out that I was not there to worship but to show off, tuning in again and asking God to move because whether I am embarrassed or not, it is not about me but about God, and feeling at that instant, God starting to move.
• I remember playing the guitar so hard that I wasn’t feeling God but saw that everyone else was worshipping and knowing that it is not me that moves but God that wants to move.
• I remember going back after every worship session and thanking God for being there.
So with all this that I have remembered, I figured it is all applicable in every area of miracles. It applies to reaching out, healing, delivering, restoring, etc.
Reaching out:
• Practice countless hours to be confident in reaching out.
• Spend time with God every morning and simply long to draw closer to Him.
• Have the passion to actually reach out to my friends whenever I am with them.
• Being disappointed and asking God, “Why didn’t he turn up when I asked Him to.”
• Learning that when I reach out, it is not about how they respond but about God moving and that my duty was simply to reach out and to share the gospel
• Thinking that it is not about me getting a response out of them but it is about God wanting to move or not, that I am simply the vessel for Him to work with.
• Not getting a response in the middle of reaching out, checking myself, figuring out that I was not there to reach out but to show off/debate, tuning in again and asking God to move because whether I am embarrassed or not, it is not about me but about God, and knowing at that instant, God starting to move.
• Preaching so hard that I wasn’t feeling God but saw that everyone else was responding and knowing that it is not me that moves but God that wants to move.
• Going back after every gospel sharing and thanking God for being there and for the response I got.
• Practice countless hours to be confident in healing probably by reading God’s word, hearing sermons, following healers, etc.
• Spend time with God every morning and simply long to draw closer to Him.
• Have the passion to actually heal the sick whenever there’s an opportunity.
• Being disappointed and asking God, “Why didn’t He turn up when I asked Him to.”
• Learning that when I pray for healing, it is not about whether they are healed but about God moving and that my duty was simply to pray for healing
• Thinking that it is not about me getting a miracle out of them but it is about God wanting to move or not, that I am simply the vessel for Him to work with.
• Not getting a miracle in the middle of the healing prayer, checking myself, figuring out that I was not there to heal but to show off/debate, tuning in again and asking God to move because whether I am embarrassed or not, it is not about me but about God, and knowing at that instant, God starting to move.
• Praying so hard that I wasn’t feeling God but saw that the sick were in tears and knowing that it is not me that moves but God that wants to move.
• Going back after every healing and thanking God for being there.
I guess if I have time, I would actually go through the whole list of areas that we struggle with. Even dealing with sins and addictions, if we have faith to believe for it and act on it, we can overcome them.
So for myself, I’ll keep looking back on these two since they are something I have passion about so that I can be on track to have faith in these areas.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Zacchaeus' encounter
Luke 19:1-10
With all the hustle and bustle going on around Jesus, He still had the time to look up and see Zacchaeus. He still made it a point to eat at Zacchaeus’ house. It makes me realize that everywhere around us there is a potential unbeliever turn believer. That when we are living it God’s way, they do notice us. The question is, do we notice them?
Many a times we get busy and go through life, hoping that the opportunity to witness might pop up as we do our daily chores. But are we sharp and observant enough to notice the opportunities themselves.
Take the time to look around you and notice things. God may be showing you the beauty of life or even revealing secrets to you. Don’t be too focused on the next task and the task after that. Take your time to look around and notice someone in need or someone who just needs another to talk to.
Even in ministry, there is always an opportunity to change someone’s life simply by taking the time to notice. If Jesus went about His ministry preaching His sermons and putting His full focus on His ministry, He wouldn’t have met Zacchaeus. He was observant enough to notice His twelve disciples too.
We need to slow down our pace sometimes and not keep ourselves too busy to notice others. After Zacchaeus came down as Jesus had asked him to, Zacchaeus received Jesus joyfully. If that could happen, couldn’t unbelievers receive us joyfully too?
A known tax collector is a sinner. Jesus went with him fully aware of that. Are we prepared to hang out with sinners? Most churches would say stay away from bad company and don’t mix around people who can corrupt you. I say that it is true that bad company corrupts good. That is why we need our stands and to not compromise them when we face these people. We can only influence others if our stand in God is unshakable.
Remember the phrase that Jesus will run to rescue you when you cry out to Him? V10 says, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” How much more will Jesus run to rescue the unbelievers who call unto Him! Have faith and no doubt that anyone who calls unto Him will be saved.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Humility with Jesus
Luke 18:9-14
“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled. And he who humbles himself will be exalted.” I had an experience today that kicked me hard. I am always thinking that, God has build me up so much that I am above everyone around me. I owe it all to God for this, but thinking that I’m above everyone else is so “exalting myself” that I feel like God’s rebuking me.
Yep, this isn’t what I would want, especially to see myself from afar. I really don’t mind, after being convicted, to now be humbled by God. I can’t believe I actually thought of doing life skipping my daily devotions. Now I know why I feel so empty most of the time. Pastor Alex talked about putting relationship with Jesus over responsibilities and I fully agree.
How close you are with God is determined by how well you know who God is. He really doesn’t like us to exalt ourselves. You may go up fast by you will soon come down.
However, I’m still confused about humility in that should you show your talents off or should you just hide it away until secretly somebody finds out about it and suddenly God has exalted you to become like a worship leader or something? Well I believe this is false humility. You should never hide your talents. However, you should not center attention on your talents either. Humility, as I have learnt, is based on your respect for others and on how you love others as God loves you.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Faith Dealings
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Luke 18:1-8
V8 talks about the Son of Man coming and whether He will find faith on this earth. Thus it would mean that the previous verses are also talking about faith. So what is faith but a woman seeking justice from a judge, and when she does not get it, she cries out to him day and night. Soon the judge is tired out and decides to avenge her.
Faith is knowing that your Father in heaven hears your prayers and desires that your prayers be answered. Therefore, if your Father in heaven is just unlike the judge, He will definitely run to your rescue.
“Faith is knowing”. I was reflecting on this and I think this applies to every context of the bible. The bible says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God”. Why? Because the more we hear the Word of God, the more we know what the Word of God says concerning our lives. The more we know this, the more we know what is true in the supernatural. With that we can not only believe but be sure that the things that God has said, He will do.
Faith is knowing that God is your Father in heaven and that everything He has belongs to you because the bible says that you’re a child of God and that you inherit God’s kingdom.
Faith is knowing that God is your Best Friend and that He will walk with you, comfort you, fight for you and talk with you wherever you go.
Faith is knowing that God is faithful and will never let you run alone, that God is in every trial and circumstance, every pain and disaster that is happening in your life.
Faith is knowing that in every injustice dealt upon your life, you are not to avenge yourself but let God avenge for you. Faith is also knowing that God desires that you avenge the injustice of others.
Faith is knowing that God does not work but through the prayers and hands of men. That He has called us to be His witnesses, intercessors, priests and leaders of this generation.
Faith is knowing that God is Abba Father, that in everything you do, He cares and is there for you to ask of Him, to cry out to Him, to encourage and to be there for you.
Faith is knowing that everything in the bible is God’s word and that heaven and earth may pass away, but the Word of God will still remain and everything that is said will come to past when we activate the Word of God.
Faith is Knowing.