Thursday, February 21, 2019

Mark 14 - Fulfilling your God-given story

Mark 14

Friday, February 15, 2019

Verses 53-72
Jesus knows that the time has come for him to give away his life. For he has read the scriptures or that he is God and knows the intent of the Father. Submitting Himself fully to us humans and to God, he showed us the example of what submitting actually meant. He did not defend himself as one should when accused nor did he fight back. He took the beating and all the torturing that followed. He suffered all these just to fulfill the scriptures, just for us.

Peter followed Jesus probably to honor his loyalty promise but, in the event,, he also had doubts that Jesus could be the Son of God. The turning point for him is when he remembered what Jesus said earlier – that he would deny Jesus three times before the rooster crows. Because of this, his doubts started to fade away because Jesus could know what was to happen and he already planned all this. So I believed that in this moment, Peter knew that Jesus still had everything under control. Still he did not believe that Jesus would rise from the dead after three days. I do believe though that through the denials and the remembering, faith was restored again in Peter.

Sometimes, things happen in our lives that may look to us like failures. We may have failed God multiple times, but he has never failed us. The hope is that through every failure, we learn to trust in God more. We learn to trust in his promises more. We learn to rest in him.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Verses 43-51
I should go and see how many scriptures that Jesus fulfilled in his lifetime. A lot. At least 55 old testament prophecies were fulfilled through Jesus. He knew that the scriptures will be fulfilled through him. What a burden to carry.
I’m kind of curious about verse 51 and 52. Why did the author leave that in there? Some commentaries say that it was Mark himself. Some say he was an angel which appears throughout the bible in linen. But there is no conclusion. Most of these are just suspicions. Am trying not to read too much into it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Verses 27-42
I used to say that I would die for Jesus. Now I know that talk is cheap. When the moment comes, only God knows whether I will turn tail and run or follow him all the way. I have not experienced hardships yet, and that will be to my disadvantage at any moment.

In verse 34, Jesus uses the words “keep watch” again, which I assume means to pray. In verse 38, he says, “Watch and pray.” I’m starting to think that “watch” means to be aware of the happenings around us and to couple it with prayer.

Watch = looking at the world happenings (e.g. news) through the eyes of God and aligning ourselves to his will.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Verses 1—26
It’s amazing how God prepared someone to prepare Jesus for burial, and also provided a place for Jesus and his disciples to eat. When you do the will of God, little things such as a place to eat dinner will also be provided for you. I have heard of testimonies how people in missions trips have gotten their every need because God spoke to others to provide for them. When you do the will of God, keep watch (pray) consistently, so that you know which way to go, who to ask, and things you should be doing. Aligning yourself to His will assures you of everything you need.

There will be moments when you doubt, but take heart, God will always show Himself real to you in ways you can never imagine. Know that He can never send you out without first providing for you. He has already prepared every step of the way, just as how Jesus had his donkey and place to have the Passover meal.

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