Saturday, April 16, 2016

Love Must Be Sincere

Romans 12:9 – Love must be sincere

Saturday, April 02, 2016

“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good”

Memory verse of the day I guess. In this world, a majority of people only get to know you if you benefit them. Their love is not sincere. However, there are a minority of people who sincerely give love away without expecting any in return. These people are at a loss when it comes to the world but at a gain when it comes to spirituality. Sure they do not get fairness in life but God sees them and God is a rewarder of those who love Him.

I wish to break the notion that love cannot be sincere. A person who treats you well wants something in return. How can we break that mindset? “What’s in it for me?” is always the question on their minds. “Love must be sincere” becomes such a hard thing to follow. When you give away love, you usually expect love in return. Get ready for disappointments. Love that is sincere does not expect love in return. That is why Jesus taught us to love our enemies and to love those who cannot afford to pay us back.

Love must be sincere. What a profound statement. Society is not capable of this. Everyone knows it but almost no one is implementing it. If your love is sincere, society will jeer at you. You are too different, society does not accept you. How do we have love that is sincere but at the same time not have people reject us?

What is good is usually difficult. It is not easy to follow Christ.

Lord, I pray, help me to have love that is sincere. First, help to receive your love because your love is the most genuine of all. Only with your love can I love others sincerely and without expecting anything in return. Amen.

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