Saturday, April 16, 2016

Treating Unfairness in Life

Romans 12:11-12

Saturday, April 16, 2016

“Never be lacking in zeal but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer”

Joyful in hope. Hope is when we have faith in something we cannot see, like hoping for a better day. As Christians, we hope for the day when we will see Jesus. Therefore we are joyful. Whether trials or pestilence, they cannot rob us of this - that in the end we will see Jesus. This is the greatest joy. Don’t let anyone nor anything bring you doubts about this. This is what you should fix your eyes on. The Lord Jesus Christ has done it all. All we have to do is endure this life and let God use us for His plans and purposes whatever it may be. In the end, we will still see Jesus. Don’t think of life as being unfair to you. God is not about fairness, He is just. And everything will happen in the end as it is supposed to. Take unfairness as a common thing. Expect it to come even in the quietest moments when least expected. Treat everyone equally and don’t let another disrupt you following Jesus.

Patience in affliction. Your endurance is being tested every single day. And it grows as it is being tested. Patience will bring you a long way in life. Why does God call us to be patient in affliction? Why does God put affliction on us in the first place? We know that it is for our benefit that we are afflicted, so that we may learn from it and grow. At the same time, we know that not all affliction is from God and we should not choose to stay in affliction but find a way out of it. Going through affliction will also help you to see the power of the Holy Spirit at work in your life. So be patient until God provides you a way out of your affliction. Discern wisely and act on it. But in the process do not say that life is unfair to you. You do not know what others are going through.

Faithful in prayer. Prayer is what connects us to God. Prayer is what helps us tap into the unseen power of the Holy Spirit. Prayer is what keeps us intact. Without prayer, we feel hopeless, impatient and hungry for the world. Prayer brings us back to our senses, brings us back to Jesus. Prayer brings new perspective for us. Prayer helps us fix our eyes on Jesus.

It hit me that all these three – being joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer – are ways of overcoming the world, especially the unfairness of the world. "I have overcome the world," says our Lord Jesus Christ. In the end, we will still see Jesus. Amen.

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